One of the most important weapons you can use in the fight against asbestos mesothelioma is switching to a healthy diet. When you do that, you are fine tuning your body to its highest operating potential and allowing your body's immune system to focus on eliminating your cancer.
The U.S. Surgeon General released a report in 1979 stating that the average American diet was dangerous to your health. In that report it recommended that you should reduce the amount of fat, especially saturated fats, such as those found in fat meats.
Furthermore, a research scientist at Cornell University, by the name of Dr. Willard Visek, reported that eating large amounts of meat was also linked to cancer. That's because carcinogenic ammonia was produced during the digestion of meat.
Also, researchers at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, studied a group of people who experienced a remission of cancer. They found that 87% of those patients had switched to a vegetarian diet.
Stated simply, treat your body like a temple. What your body really wants is good wholesome, unprocessed foods. If you can, eat as much raw food and whole grains as possible and cut out as much of dairy products, sugar, meat, white flour, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, pop, and white rice. Instead add more healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Asbestos mesothelioma cancer cells will find it difficult to survive in a healthy, well fed body.
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