In fine tuning your body to fight asbestos mesothelioma, one of the most important things you can do is to eliminate as much sugar out of our diet as you can. Here's why.
When you eat natural sugars such as those found in fruits and vegetables, your body takes time to digest and break down the sugars into glucose. When that glucose enters the blood stream the body detects that glucose and secretes insulin to convert any of that glucose it doesn't need into fat. However, when you consume large amounts of sugar in a single session such as that found in chocolate bars, candy or large amounts of pop, the sugars on those treats require very little digestion and enter the blood stream almost instantly. Your body gets overwhelmed by that much sugar coming into your bloodstream so fast, so it secretes large amounts of insulin.
That is where the problem lies for anyone with asbestos mesothelioma. When there is large amounts of insulin in your body, growth hormones are also secreted and unfortunately, growth hormones naturally act to suppress your immune system. And if your immune system is shut down, it can't seek and destroy cancer cells.
The other side effect is that the more sugar you eat, the more is stored in your body. The more fat you have, the harder your heart has to work to pump oxygen to your fat cells. This stresses out your entire system and reduces the amount of oxygen your body needs to fight the cancer cells, since more of the oxygen is being used to convert the sugars into fat and to also feed the fat cells.
In laboratory tests, it was found that consuming 1/2 a cup of sugar as can be found in two cans of pop, can suppress your immune system for up to 5 hours.
Imagine this. You drink two cans of pop in the daytime, and you eat a chocolate bar after lunch and you have a cake for dessert in the evening. You just ate about 1 cup of sugar today. That means that you might have just suppressed your immune system for up to 12 hours! You've just given your asbestos mesothelioma cancer cells a breather because your immune system has been put on hold for half the day and now the cancer cells are free to grow unabated.
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